Tuesday, February 07, 2006

New Caledonia - what ever happened to the old one?

One week of vacation in Ozzy and back to work. Well, I don't know if I'm even supposed to call a trip to New Caledonia "work"? Anyhow, I did work, I actually worked more than I kind of hoped for. I had scheduled for one extra day to look around this island outside of Australia but that didn't happen. But I had a good time anyway.

Nicolas and Nathalie were the two people I turned out to work most with. But after a weeks work I got to go out my last night in New Caledonia. A girl from work took me out together with a girlfriend of hers. We had a great time and they took me to this really cosy restaurant just outside of Noumea (capital of NC). After that we went to La Bodega, a bar on a pier just in front of my hotel. It was packed with people and we met up with Roger from work as well.

It's sad to say, but that kind of was my trip to NC. Work, eat, sleep. and one night at a bar on a pier. Good thing I had a great time anyway. Long live San Remo - they must have thought I never eat anything but Italian food - 5 days in a row at the same restaurant. Almost scary how convenient I can get sometimes. By the way, Convenience (or lazyness) will be the doom of humanity. Remember where you heard it first.

Oh yea! I bought an Ipod Nano at the airport in Brisbane! According to my friend Eric in the states you're nothing until you have an Ipod. It feels so great to finally be someone.


Anonymous said...

You are a chick magnet....

I am glad you are now someone....I am only half of someone as I have a shuffle.

Graeme said...

welcome to the i-pod club brother!!!

Anonymous said...

That first dude is listed in the encyclopedia under "Too Cool for School, No Comply".

Anonymous said...

God - you have a good job! Do you ever work on your business travel or is it all fun?