Thursday, June 08, 2006


It's a bird! It's a plane! It's the return of my blog.
Long time no write. Where the hizzle have I been you might ask - or maybe not, but then again, why the hizzle are you reading this blog for? (Apparently I've turned ghetto-rapper.)

To sum it up I've been doing things that fall under two categories:
1. usual stuff - the kind of activities that are filed under "everyday life".
2. unusual stuff - the kind of activities that makes life dandy.

travel-wize I've been to Johannesburg, Singapore and St. Tropez. The first two for work, the third for fun.


mbolo said...

Vi vill se bilder! Vi vill se bilder! tjalalala!

mbolo said...

Där var bilder! Där var bilderna!

Graeme said...

welcome back, brother - looks like you have been having some fun. Nice barookas on the beach

/ G