Saturday, November 26, 2005

Next stop, Ghana

So my job means that I get to travel a whole lot, and my next trip will be to Ghana. I have no idea of how Ghana will be but I have a feeling that it will be very nice. When I went to Sudan a couple of months ago my expectations were very low and I was this close to bringing a helmet and a gun, just in case.. But Sudan turned out to be pretty damn amazing. Even though it's a poor country as far as their infrastructure for example, I don't think I've met more care taking and open hearted people than that before. The last day of my visit to Sudan me and Mutwakil - my Sudanese friend - were on our way to the big market in Khartoum. While driving there Mutwakil called a friend that had a store on the market. Apparently his friend had just closed the shop for the day and was on his way home. But Mutwakil called him and said that there is a friend that wants to have a look at your shop the guy went back and opened it up. So we got there and we chatted and drank some coffee together. When the coffee cup was empty and the conversations had ended we got up and started walking towards the car. All of a sudden two police men came up to me. they said something in Arabic and I thought they were going to arrest me (logical thinking) so I just walked away while Mutwakil talked to them. It turned out that they only wanted to say hello and that they thought it was so cool that this blond haired guy was walking in the market place of Khartoum, Sudan. I felt pretty stupied.

Anyway, when I left Sudan it had made a big impact on me and I've got the feeling that Ghana will do the same.

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