Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Can't.. resist.. anymore..

Peer pressure made me join.
Facebook me!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

who are you?

Found a cool link on digg. Choose the images that represent your view of the topic and you will get your "visualDNA".

This is me:
Mood - Sofisticat
Fun - Conqueror
Habits - New Wave Puritan
Love - Love Bug

Now, who are you?

Friday, February 09, 2007

Das ist gut

Dear blog. I'm back. and I'm wiser - I now have my own flickr account ch-ch-check it out.

By the way, I went to Iran after all, in December to be specific. I brought home 3 kilos of pistagio nuts and quite a few g's of Safran. It's all good.

Monday, October 30, 2006

close doesn't shoot a rabbit

Close call, I was this close going to Iran this weekend. But due to European and US sanction discussions as well a bunch of other factors I finally bailed out on that trip. You could say that "Iran away". Humour at it's peak.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

soso song

Love youtube, and the content really represents the Internet: most of the things suck but every now and then you come across something good. "Something good" might not be the case here, more like "something very bad", which for the record can be just as good.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Hassan II

I went to Casablanca, Morocco for a couple of days work and one afternoon I got the opportunity to see the worlds second largest mosque - Hassan II. The current kings father had it built and it is quite magnificent. However they wouldn't let me inside due to 2 factors: 1 it was praying time and 2 I'm not a muslim.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

La Linea

.. Or "Linus på linjen" as we call it in Sweden. Quite the nostalgic trip.

By the way, I bought the 360 last weekend and yes, games in HD are awesome. I agree with you Graeme, life is too short not to buy it - shockingly enough my girlfriend begs to differ.